Monday, June 21, 2010

Yoga in Somerville

As a part of their "Commit to be Fit" campaign, I was invited to Brendan's office to share some yoga with the staff. Having worked in a Social Security office for many years, I can certainly empathize with the stresses these workers deal with on a daily basis. And, I had forgotten how stressful the morning commute could be! That being said, I was welcomed ever so graciously by everyone and enjoyed this mini yoga session.

We began with the Lion Pose - a stress-reliever if I ever saw one! This pose "broke the ice" so to speak and we proceeded with some breathing techniques. From there, we warmed up the body. Working hunched over at a desk and staring at a computer screen for hours at a time can wreak havoc on a body. The class responded well to the warm-ups and can do these at their desk in just a few short minutes.

As the folks were dressed for work - and not working out - I geared the poses to standing only. We practiced Mountain, Chair, and then Downward Dog using the chair for support.

We closed with a nice relaxation exercise. One of the women in the class is from Barbados and is getting married there next month. I used the beach in Barbados theme for the relaxation and played some steel band music.

As with all new experiences, I was a little nervous at the start. But, that soon disappeared when I looked at the relaxed smiling faces around me. Especially Brendan's.

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