Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yoga with a theme...

Have you heard of Dr. Gott? He's a retired doctor who has an advice column in our local newspaper. Today's question was regarding a new medication for osteoporosis. While he seemed to be on the fence about recommending this new drug, he did have some sage suggestions about making some lifestyle changes to improve your overall bone health. And, of course, regular exercise is highly recommended to prevent bone loss.

What an ideal opening for class today! I brought the newspaper article and Dr. Loren Fishman's book, Yoga for Osteoporosis, with me. First, I gave an overview of Dr. Gott's suggestions. Then I explained that Dr. Fishman suggests 12 daily exercises for improving bone health. We've practiced several of them in the past few months but today we really concentrated on just 4 poses: tree, chair, triangle, downward dog. With emphasis on strengthening our bones, it was amazing how differently we approached the poses. Specifically, tree - which has always been our "go to" balance pose was now a pose for strengthening our legs and arms. The class noticed the difference right away - and I think it brought a new perspective and appreciation for the pose.

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