My mother is currently hospitalized and not surprisingly, is somewhat stressed and anxious about what is happening now - and what is happening next. So, I thought I'd try to calm her down with a nice relaxing visualization technique.

It's hot out and has been for days now. Rather than the usual peaceful beach scene, you are heading to the mountains for a short stay in a friend's log cabin. In this cabin, you feel warm and perfectly safe. You walk in and immediately note the crackling fire in the fireplace. Warmth is radiating out to you. You hear the wood making its soft sounds. You begin to feel a little less stressed and start to relax. You put your bag down and begin to take a look around the cabin.

A wonderful aroma is eminating out from the kitchen. You walk in and see a crock pot on the counter. Your friend has left you a note. Dinner will be ready in an hour. You peek in and see that it's your favorite meal - a hearty beef stew. Mmmmmm...that smells so good!
You look around the country kitchen. Your sense of smell is on high alert now. Something has been baking in the oven. The aroma is coming from a counter near the slightly open window. You see that there's an apple pie set out. It's cooling for later.
There's a sense of peace and contentment around you right now. You slowly return to the living room. In front of the fireplace is an overstuffed chair with matching ottoman. You sit down and sink into the chair where the comfortable cushions wrap around you. You are completely relaxed now. You are in a special place - you are safe and cared for - and all of your troubles are far, far away.
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