Two good friends of mine are experiencing serious back issues. Currently, they are seeing doctors and trying to determine exactly what the problem is with the back. They are going through examinations and MRI's. They've been prescribed medications and there's talk of potential surgeries. Now, I'm not a doctor. And, I'm not a Physical Therapist. But, I do know that yoga has been found to be beneficial for some people with low back pain. A recent article in the New York Times discusses the latest study that shows practicing yoga on a regular basis can help to relieve the symptoms of low back pain. You can read the full article
Now I want to give a "plug" to Peggy Cappy's Yoga for the Rest of Us - Back Care Basics DVD. I ordered two copies of this wonderful DVD for gifts and previewed it today. As with all of Peggy's DVD's, her explanations are clear and easy to follow. The

program has six segments which include leg and back stretches for strengthening back muscles. As a bonus, she added restorative poses to help relax and bring comfort to the body. The total time for the DVD is 123 minutes but you can easily choose to do a short session by selecting a specific "scene" from the menu. This is a terrific DVD and if you have back issues - and your doctor has suggested exercises - this may be just what you need!